BLA 073: Does Intermittent Fasting Increase Your Risk Of Death?
Did you see the headline that said intermittent fasting increases your risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 91%!?! Do you wonder where in the world that number came from? Well today in the podcast we will go through the research that lead to this sensationalist headline and I’ll let you know if you should really be worried or not.
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Chapter Markers
00:00 - Intro
01:10 - Paper Overview
02:50 - Methods
04:33 - Baseline Characteristics Of The Study Participants
05:57 - Eating Duration and Mortality
07:46 - Cardiovascular Mortality
09:22 - Cancer Mortality
09:51 - Paper Conclusions
10:34 - Caveats
13:07 - Takeaways
15:38 - Outro
This video is for entertainment, education, and informational purposes only. The topics discussed should not solely be used to diagnose, treat , or prevent any condition. The information presented here was created with an evidence based approach, but you please keep in mind that science is always changing and at the time of listening to this there may some new data that makes this information incomplete or inaccurate. Always seek the advice of your personal physician or qualified health care provider for questions regarding any medical condition.