Building Lifelong Athletes

Building Lifelong Athletes

Hosted by: Jordan Rennicke, MD

The Building Lifelong Athletes Podcast has one simple goal... to help keep you active and healthy for life. Whether you are a competitive athlete, fitness enthusiast, or just a weekend warrior, this podcast will help...

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BLA 122: Creatine and Cancer Risk

When you think of creatine you probably think about muscles, the gym, getting jacked. However, there's a new study that's looking at something totally different: creatine and cancer risk. We're gonna dive into this,...
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BLA 121: The Best Type Of Exercise For Type 2 Diabetes

In this episode of the Building Lifelong Athletes podcast we talk about a meta analysis that looked at what exercise was best for improving type two diabetes. We cover the following topics:00:00 - Introduction00:33 -...
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BLA 120: ApoB: What It Is and Why You Should Care

In this episode of the Building Lifelong Athletes podcast we talk about apoB and why it is probably a better test than our standard lipid panel. We cover the following topics00:00 - Intro00:40 - apoB Introduction01:50...
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BLA 119: How Obesity Wreaks Havoc On Your Body

Obesity isn't just about numbers on a scale or your BMI. It's a hidden epidemic silently fueling a range of diseases that we see every day. From heart failure and diabetes to Alzheimer's and even cancer, excess weight...
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BLA 118: Ganglion Cysts 101

In this episode of the Building Lifelong Athletes podcast, we discuss the pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and management of ganglion cysts.   We cover the following topics: What are ganglion cysts?   What...
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BLA 117: BPC 157- What The Research Actually Shows

Peptides have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people touting their benefits for healing and performance enhancement. One peptide that has gained a lot of attention is BPC-157. But what does the...
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BLA 116: Big Pharma vs Big Supplement

Big Pharma and Big Supplement: Are They Really That Different?   Uncover the shocking truths about the supplement industry and how it compares to Big Pharma.   Discover the dark side of supplements, from misleading...
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BLA 115: Why the Kneesovertoes program works for people

Ben Patrick, better known as the @kneesovertoesguy has taken social media by storm. You’ve probably seen him doing some incredibly athletic feat that looks like it should be impossible to do, and all while making it...
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BLA 114: Exercise for mental health in kids

There is a mental health crisis in adolescents.. and it’s not getting better anytime soon unless we change something. Our kids are depressed and anxious and not performing their best in school
 but what if there was a...
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BLA 113: Are You Worrying Too Much About Your Health?

Do you worry too much about your health? Could it be possible that your concern for your health is actually making you less healthy? Today we are going to discuss an interesting article about health anxiety and how it...
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BLA 112: Is olive oil bad for your heart? (New study Explained)

Could Olive oil, a staple of the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet, actually be making your cholesterol worse? In this video, we dive into the "Recipe for Heart Health" study, a randomized crossover trial that pitted a...
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BLA 111: The Only Nine Things You Need To Do To Be Healthy

Being healthy is really simple. That doesn't mean it's easy, but it really isn't rocket science. Today we walk about the only nine things you need to take care of in order to be healthy. Sign up for my newsletter at...
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